By Lourdes Heras
To those women who like me have known a love so deep,
Yet felt it slip away too soon, in sorrow we weep.
In our womb, we carried dreams, a future never realized.
Tiny smile and hands never seen or held tight.
Fate's cruel hand swept them too soon.
Albeit, a bond with our baby will forever stand.
Because the moment we conceive, our body forever changed.
On this Mother’s Day, we send our love.
Each tear that falls is a testament true
To the depth of love, we will forever hold you.
Though sorrow may linger, and pain may stay,
Our love for our lost babies will forever remain.
On this day meant for celebration, we honor you.
For the love you hold and the struggles you have been through.
For in our hearts, and memories, our little ones will always stay.
My precious little one/s.
Thank you, YOU forever changed me.
Happy Mother’s day!